Nokia 3586i LCD display module opinion needed

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New Member
Does anybody have any experiences to share concerning this LCD display? I found it for anywhere between $12-$30. It supposedly has an SPI interface, and would be perfect for my PIC projects.
Could you give a link to what you're describing? No LCD I know of has a SPI- SPI's not efficient for a whole lot of bidirectional data.

All cell phone LCDs, and the stuff you find in almost all consumer electronics has no controller on board so it's basically impractical to hack it even if you knew how.
I was mistaken. It wasn't the Nokia 3586i, but rather the Nokia 3310, and it's only 84x48. Here's a link... **broken link removed**
It seems however that I can only get it from the UK. I can't seem to find a single place in the USA that sells them.
So is there a hole, or port, or side access for, say, a superbright LED that will serve as a backlight?
stu989 said:
i have used one of these, they work great

only problem i had getting it working was i had the contrast set wrong in my code.

i am in uk and have brought these for as little as £3 inc postage from ebay

I was thinking about picking one of these up for future use. These LCD's have the controller on them correct?
How did you connect the screen to your circuit? Seems like it would be a headache to solder. Is there any type of adapter available to connect it to a standard pcb, or would you have to construct one yourself?
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