Nokia 6100 Library

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Hey guys great news!!! Im making a Nokia 6100 Color LCD library. WIll use SPI BitBang , 12bit color per pixel. Here is a image of some progress:

So far i have:



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Very nice. I ended up destroying the connector on my 6100. Watch if you try to unplug it from the board. It's definitely a pretty little LCD and not too hard to develop for. Main problem I've seen is the complaints about the different versions.

If anyone finds a really cheap source, I might get another one or two, but right now I haven't found a need to replace my old broken one.
Sorry lol forgot... I got it from eBay.. Came on a noce board for $15 .. You can also get from sparkfun cheaper but no board ..

I'm tired like crazy..I'll post links in a little bit
hey guys i ran into a snag. I need a BMP converter the only thing is i have this code written using 12bit color code and dont want to use 8 bit.

This is a 8-Bit converter:
How to: Nokia 6100 LCD (english) | Zipfelmaus - Blog

Anyone know where i can get a 12-bit version or similar application..

Im sure i can make one in VB but heh dont have much time on my hands anymore.
Ok im working in VB6 and so far i can open a image and get the RGB of each pixel. Im not sure if im converting it correctly since i havnt tried it yet. But since the RGB is 4-4-4 for this LCD to be 12bit .... Im diving the 255,255,255 by 17 each this way the max of 255 is turned into 15(F)(1111) which is 4 bits.

I hope this works heh.. Now i have to code the creation on data bytes. I need to connect every 2 parts together to make one byte and if then append a 0 to the end if need be (odd amount of pixel data)

Wish me luck. Remember all the code and stuff will be shared and posted when complete or if i quite (most likely complete )
I am about to test out some hex it generated ill post a comment on it in a bit

24x9 bmp of 4 main colors RGB and Black
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RGB and black? What the heck colour pallet are you using?
RGB at all FFs is white, RGB at all 00s is black, if you have a fourth colour it's either an alpha channel a mask or you badly mistyped something.
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heh i mean im trying RED, GREEN, BLUE, WHITE and BLACK color image...

I ran into a issue::
MAX = unsigned long
the width and height = unsigned char
    max = width * height;

My problem is if width = 50 and height = 50 max should = 2500 but it = 196

any thoughts????
dude for this display it uses 4 bit color for each RGB so
RED = 4 bit
GREEN = 4 bit
BLUE = 4 bit

Now if pixel 1 is solid red you get F0,0
and if pixel 2 is solid blue you get 0F,0

but as decimals so thats.... 240,0,240 the way the lcd works is it will read the 2 bytes like

RRRRGGGG,BBBBRRRR,GGGGBBBB = 11110000,0000,11110000

you see?
That makes even less sense atom....
All 00s == black. All FFs == white. There should be no separate bytes other than R G and B.
hey guys this is killing me:

void LCDWriteBMP(unsigned rom char *bmp, unsigned char x, unsigned char y, unsigned char width, unsigned char height) {
unsigned int j;
unsigned int maxPix;
unsigned int xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax;
unsigned int i;

    maxPix = 0;

    //maxPix = (width * height);
    for(j = 0; j < height; j++) {
        maxPix += width;

    xmin = x;
    xmax = x + width;
    ymin = y;
    ymax = y + height;




    for(j = 0; j < maxPix; j++) {

The above might work well... I call it like:


for some reason the values are mixed up or wrong..



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The calculation is being done in unsigned char (i.e. multiples of 256 are being dropped in the result), put another way:

2500 = hex 9C4

Hex C4 = 196

You need to force the calculation to be done in unsigned long
max = width;
max = max * height;
would probably do it or you could probably use explicit type casts.
the issue was it wasnt getting the data from the call but i fixed it somewhat;

    width = *bmp++;
    height = *bmp++;

    for(j = 0; j < height; j++) {
        maxPix += width;

but ill try your suggestion for the math tho


    width = *bmp++;
    height = *bmp++;

    maxPix = height;
    maxPix = maxPix * width;

Works well! thanks
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