Nokia 6100 Library

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Now im off to make a test menu and program for controlling some stuff. I need to learn my remote control protocol heh...

Anyone know where i can find information on TimeWarner Cable remote protocol? I doubt it but heh its worth a ask
Why not create a program that will teach itself your remote control buttons? Add an IR receiver to the board
heh yeah but making a nice universal means i need to learn there code which means i either have to open the remote and learn the codes manually which is time consuming or i can search the net for info. But there isnt any.

I think its IRDA so now i need to learn that heh
Why not do what I suggested and program the pic to learn the commands?
Button on pic turns on "learn mode" which waits for an incoming signal
Press a button on remote.
I have that same cable box.

It's not IrDA. IrDA is more complex than a remote needs and is used for serial data.

I could probably do some logic analyzer snapshots of some of the commands. I don't know if that would help you.
At what speed did you clock the 4620 in the (cool) video

Do not make the IR remote stuff more complex then it is. There are only a few standards and as birdman said you can punch the button on your remote and capture the command with a PIC or a PC.

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the clock was 20mhz HS osc. I ordered some 10mhz and 15pf caps to go with them. So i can use 10mhz HSPLL when they arrive.

video would have been better but my cam is dead so had to sue webcam and magnifying glass heh...(as a macro)

DirtyLude: that would rock. I have to fix your image to a white background. Sorry about that. (in the video)

Sceadwian: heh welcome to fame... no fortune tho
here is the fix: (DirtyLude)



Kinda looks better than your original heh... You can use it if you like.

If your gonna use it use this one color is same as forum:


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here is the fix: (DirtyLude)

The current avatar uses a transparent background. If I was going to clean it up, I'd just clean up the edges of the transparency. That way I use one avatar for whatever forum I'm on and it always matches the background even if that forum changes colour schemes or has multiple style options.

I'll pull out my IR sensors tonight some time.
Heh yeah.. Photoshop is my friend so transparency is simple... Thanks again for helping me with IR stuff
I don't know if this will help you. Here's the button presses for 1, 2, 3, and the play button. You can download the Logic analyzer software yourself to review these files.



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My pc got a virus, can't even toto heh blocks it. I need to reinstall xp. Illbe up in a hour or so
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