Noob help with pic16f628a

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New Member
Ok I want to build a digital thermometer with a ds18s20 but i have no idea on how to burn the source code on the chip. I have a willem burner that is capable of doing so but I dont know how to turn the source code into a hex file that my willem can program. I have downloaded mplab but its really confusing. The source file is in .txt format and is written in pic i think. I know you guys might just tell me to search and I have but since dont know what terminology to use, its kind of hard to find what im looking for. So can anyone help out a noob??
In MPLAB, use the project wizard to create a new project using a 16f628a. Next go into "Project\add new file to project" and enter a filename with the extension .asm You will now have an empty window. Paste the contents of the txt file into this window. You should now be able to do "Project\make" to generate a hex file.


Where is your project schematic and source code located? Somewhere on the Internet? I'd just like to check it out. Thanks.

Mike said:
Where is your project schematic and source code located? Somewhere on the Internet? I'd just like to check it out. Thanks.


This is the link for the project.

theres another temp meter where the circuit seems more simple but I cant get the source code, Ive tried emailing them multiple times but no reply.

This is the link for that circuit.....

In mplab, i went to the project wizard and theres a lot more steps than what Pommie mentioned. The first screen tells me to chose my chip, so i chose PIC16f628A. The next screen i dont get, it says, select a language tool. I dont know so i click next. So then it says to create a new project and i make one called tempmeter.asm and click next. The next screen says add existing files to your project. I dont know what to do here also so i just click next and click finish.

This brings me to a big blank screen with a little box in it. The title of the box is tempmeter.asm.mcw and theres folders that say source files, header files, etc. I click File and then add new files to project. I make a name and hten press save. A blank white box pops up and i paste the code from the txt file in there and save it. Then I right click on "source files" and add files. I select the file i just saved. It then appears under "source files" in the box. When i click "make", all this stuff pop up and at the end it says "build failed"

Sorry if its really confusing but I dont know how else to explain it.
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