Not bad for a Freebie

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Well-Known Member
G'day Guy's
This morning my wife came home and said get on the phone now as there is a free cow on the noticeboard. I rang and it was agreed they would catch it and bring it over. So todays plans went out the window and I got an old concrete water trough that was broken in 1/2 by kids. I fixed the longer bit and setup it in my ol' goat paddock which is about 5 acres. The cow is a 4 yr old Lowline Angus and originally it was the petting cow at the Adelaide Zoo. I was told she has been fully checked out and passed and has never had any calves. I currently have her in my sheep yards that are overgrown with some good feed and already she is taking feed out of my daughters hands thru the fence.

I checked out the breed and man is this an exclusive breeding breed. The lowline angus doesn't have any dwarf genes and if one looks on the wiki will give a full explanation of the breed.

As we know the local vet pretty well and he is a good friend on the phone today he said you get the semen and I'll come around and do it for the price of Margaret cooking one of her top meals.

Like I say not bad for a freebie.

Cheers Bryan
On a machinists forum where I lurk, they have an expression "Tool Gloat" which is used when someone gets a good lathe or something at a rock bottom price.
You seem to be having an "Animal Gloat", well done!

Never in my wildest dreams would I have expected to see a phrase like this on ETO:
he said you get the semen and I'll come around and do it
taken out of context the mind runs riot with possibilities!

Steak & a glass of Milk.

So, before long you'll have enough to go around the Table Fresh Milk too!

All I can say is, it's time to buy a freezer or a Dehydrator. Beef Jerky Mmmm. Ribeye's good on the Barbecue.
Hmm I wonder how much milk on can get from a pint sized Angus ?

I hope you can find a few more of these and start a herd. They look like an idea breed for a small operation.
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Hmm I wonder how much milk on can get from a pint sized Angus ?

I hope you can find a few more of these and start a herd. They look like an idea breed for a small operation.

Ok then, I'll take a 3oz angus "ribeye" and a "shot" of milk Please
Anyway Guy's,
Got Missy Moo in her 5 acre paddock close to the house and tonight I was in contact with her breeder. She is a 100% pure bred and if I want to register it then it will be an easy exercise. Also I have a phonecall from a neighbor who is selling up and it looks like I might be onto a free Sow ready to drop a few piglets. got the new yard made and hopefully this weekend the yard will have a new occupant. Well given time not only free meat but homegrown bacon and ham will also be on the menu.

Any yanks that wanna come over for a free feed are welcome but the only stickin point I do have a few hundred ton of rocks out the back of the farm that need digging out............

Cheers Bryan
Any yanks that wanna come over for a free feed are welcome but the only stickin point I do have a few hundred ton of rocks out the back of the farm that need digging out............
I figured that in your line of work, you could get a hold of a dozer.
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