Not sure where to start

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New Member
So I've got an idea for a project and I'd rather not disclose much about it, but I am looking for some help.

I'm no electrical engineer. I have a general knowledge of basic electronic components. I know what a capacitor, resistor, transistor, diode, transformer, ect... is and does, but that is about all.

I'll try to list what I need to get accomplished in a very detailed way.

I need to be able to take in a user input number. (number pad or buttons)
I need to be able to broadcast that user input number around 300 ft.
I need to be able to receive that user input number from a max of around 300ft. The unit doing the broadcasting would be able to receive numbers from another broadcasting unit.
Upon reception, I would like to do something (like have an LED blink or display the number via 7-segment display)
It would need the capability to broadcast both an 8 and 10 digit number at the same time, and receive either the 8 or the 10 digit number depending on which mode is selected.

With a little help from Google, I'm thinking I need a microcontroller of some sort and a transceiver? And some way to program the microcontroller. I could be wrong here. I'm very lost as to where to start so if anyone could point me in the right direction, that would be wonderful!
You'd likley want to use a micro controller, and an RF module much like the ones Sparkfun sells. Setting this up is not for the faint of heart, and if you think taking on a project of that required skill without any real knowledge of what it entails is going to be fun you will be sorely disappointed. For more involved electronics circuit descriptions you can try allaboutcircuits they have a good electronics tutorial, also try reading the datasheet for one of the Sparkfun RF transciever modules. If you can't comprehend everything you're reading you're dead in the water from the start. Better get to learnin =) I figure from starting with only a basic knowledge of how electronic components work to developing on your own (with minimal help from others) a project of that scale is going to take you 2-6 months if you're a quick study.
Sparkfun's 'Beginning Embedded Electronics' tutorial will get you up and running with AVR microcontrollers. That tutorial is what actually first taught me how to work with microcontrollers! Nate explains it very well, even for a shear beginner! Trust me, once he gets you going, it will all get a lot easier!

Beginning Embedded Electronics

In the tutorial there is a section on UART and Serial communication. That would help you out with using transceivers to get two MCUs to talk to each other.

Lecture 4 - UART and Serial Communication

And here's a link to their list of wireless transceivers. They are great for linking two MCUs with UART wirelessly.
rf transmission files are attached here:
and you can use arduino board for the transmission :
@ Arduino - HomePage



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  • 8-bit-rf..gif
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