Note To Michiganders and ch. 12 news ppl!

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New Member
Hey michiganders and people that have channel 12 news!!!!!!

I will be on the news tomorrow showing off meh robots at Kettering university! I will have my binary clock with me for all to see! Hopefully I will get some sponsors from somebody watching it
Hey, that is so good to hear, Krumlink! I'm in Canada, I've seen one news from Michigan and that's XYZ news (not sure if that's what it is).

Anyways, I think you should try and get someone to record the report and Youtube it.
Good luck.
You could ask the TV people to put it on their website or perhaps burn a DVD of the footage for you.
It's amasing how many towns there are in North America with the same names as towns in the UK. There's a Kettering 25 miles up the road from me in Northamptonshire.

Is there a Bedford in North America too?

What about Northampton, Rushden, Milton Keynes and Kemptson? All towns near me, has anyone heard of towns with these names in North America?
Hey, that's great! Good to hear.

Now, back to business. Get a newspaper clipping up and call up the station to ask them to give you a CD of the broadcast.
Upload to Youtube, and link it.

Even if it was live the should be able to give you a copy of the broadcast on DVD.
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