Notepad ++ source editor

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Well-Known Member
Hi all:
I updated the Notepad ++ language & styler files to handle 16F asm code. Much more readable than Proteus/oshonsoft/ MPLAB.

The commands are grouped & color coded to make logical branching and PC control (eg. goto) easy to spot.

I'll add 18F soon.

Rename the file extensions to .xml and overwrite the files in the C:\Documents and Settings\Application Data\Notepad ++ folder.

Application Data is a hidden folder.

Select the Assembly option in the Languages menu item.


  • langs.txt
    82.3 KB · Views: 510
  • stylers.txt
    94.3 KB · Views: 361
Can you take a screenshot and show what it looks like?
Well done.

The first time I heard of notepad++ was a few days. ETO member noop was using it for C.
What good is the color if you're still ignoring any kind of tab/column formatting. That example looks just as bad as any other code you've posted (sorry, but it's true)...
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