O.g. Popa

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New Member
ok, so I found this book, COROLLARY THEOREMS - LEARN HARDWARE FIRMWARE AND SOFTWARE DESIGN MAIN PAGE, online and was wondering if anyone had any experience with it, or knows someone who has had experience with it. I've read a couple of reviews of it on amazon and one person gave it a rather scathing review while the others loved it. So I figure I would ask someone on here rather than waste $55 bucks buying it.

Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Having had a look around that site and read the reviews on Amazon, I agree with the bad review. The sample chapter on the website is awful.

Why not start with a completely free book.

From a look around the website I'd agree with Pommie: skip it. If OG Popa's grasp of microcontrollers is anything like his (her?) grasp of English grammar*, then the book is a waste of money.

* - Note: the only reason I mention this is that the same site offers a book on English grammar, but the site itself and the examples from the books use terrible grammar with numerous and consistent mistakes. Based on what I see on that site I would not recommend any book by that author.

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