hello all,
my ancient washing machine has developed a fault: the motor doesn't turn. The motor itself including the brushes seems fine - though i haven't yet tried it with a direct connected supply to confirm.
I think the fault is with the 'digital module' - a Remco 5525 (attached pic). The big resistor (also in the pic) was open cct (>2Mohm) and looks like 120K to me, but as this is the 230v to 5v dropper resistor that seems like a high value to me (120k, 240v and 1/2 wave rectification says ~1mA to me, and my substitute hasn't cured the problem).
When Googling Remco 5525 I turned up a few pics that look identical, one with a resistor that looks like 12K, and poor quality pics that look more like 120ohms which is obviously far too low.
Could anyone please suggest what a plausible value would be? the 5v(?) is regulated by the zenner DZ1. and I assume there needs to be enough mA available to turn on the Triac?

my ancient washing machine has developed a fault: the motor doesn't turn. The motor itself including the brushes seems fine - though i haven't yet tried it with a direct connected supply to confirm.
I think the fault is with the 'digital module' - a Remco 5525 (attached pic). The big resistor (also in the pic) was open cct (>2Mohm) and looks like 120K to me, but as this is the 230v to 5v dropper resistor that seems like a high value to me (120k, 240v and 1/2 wave rectification says ~1mA to me, and my substitute hasn't cured the problem).
When Googling Remco 5525 I turned up a few pics that look identical, one with a resistor that looks like 12K, and poor quality pics that look more like 120ohms which is obviously far too low.
Could anyone please suggest what a plausible value would be? the 5v(?) is regulated by the zenner DZ1. and I assume there needs to be enough mA available to turn on the Triac?
