Odd bold behavior

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You cannot have a bold underline(_), minus(-), at(@) and equals(=)
MS Word doesn't allow it either


OpenOffice is the same..... the "@" symbol does a bit " @ "

It must be the font itself
Results with Wordperfect show a bolding difference for everything (top is normal; bold is bottom of each pair):

View attachment 65598

Using normal view and 12 point, the @ symbol gets bolder as noted. The underline does not seem to change, but the others seem to get shorter. When I zoomed to 200%, as shown in the attached image, the bolding was evident for each symbol.

It may be a font issue, but it may also simply be a pixel size/display issue. That is, bolding at 12-point may not meet the criterion for adding an extra line of pixels for the symbols that are 1-pixel lines. Bresenham anyone?

Edit: I just noticed the thumbnail doesn't show the bolding as well as the inserted image. That is consistent with a display-related cause.

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