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"Blame Canada" came from an episode of the show South Park where something happens with Canada, etc.

I only saw part of it so I couldn't tell why or how. But come on, it's South Park. It makes fun of everything and everyone...

Click on the thumbnail photo on my above post. It details the board's part number. The ckt. bd. costs $30 Canadian + S&H.... er, uh, that is, within Canada only! The DVD player needing that board is worth fixing since it's an under cabinet DVD/AM/FM radio unit. I hate junking items that have potential for good use when all that's beeded is a minor part and a simple fix.... the problem here is getting the inverter board. I'm thinking about ordering the tiny SMT chip thru DigiKey, if they have it, and replace that.

Oh and I will give a big thank you to Canada for two television shows that I really enjoy: How It's Made and The Red Green Show

My son and I love watching and laughing to the Red Green Show. Good slap-stick comedy!
I love the Red Green Show. I watch it every Saturday (the only time it is on in this region). Personally, i think the Red Green Show is the only good tv show on in this region anymore. Well, except for 24, which i like too...
Canada Is cool, and besides they make sour patch kids...

Also, I think that is Just a personal opinion, and nobody should rly get too offended by ones personal opinions, unless they are targeted specifically at one person

Just left them a phone message, with the info. I hope to hear back from them tomorrow. I also tried emailing, but my mail bounced. I'll keep you posted on that.
It sounds, though, like you already know of a supplier - you have a price, etc.- which would make this whole thing so much easier. If you do, let me have that info, and perhaps we can speed it up.
I too hate the idea of tossing out something that could be so easily fixed. I know how it feels to be shut out because of where one lives, and yes, you have a good reason to be p'd off.

I haven't had time for TV lately, and when I do, watch movies. Most of those are made in the USA. I have seen a couple of Canadian Films; they are good, but probably boring for most people. That's OK, this is a boring country.
Well I actually don't have a supplier for that board. RGC is the supplier but in Canada! US dealers will not sell the part and want the entire DVD player as a repair job for their income... shame on me for wanting to repair something myself to save the needless labor and shipping costs! My only other recourse is to locate a supplier for that blown SMT chip and hope that's all that went bad.
shame on me for wanting to repair something myself to save the needless labor and shipping costs!
not to mention avoiding adding to a huge pile of landfill somewhere, if the repair shop deemed it unrepairable.

They didn't call today, so I'll hold out until Monday. If I don't hear from them by then, I'll try locating their shop and dropping in on them. A little pressure sometimes helps, especially with small change stuff.

You know, one of my biggest beefs here has always been getting parts and things. I was really happy when American hardware stores moved into Canada in the late 80s; they stocked so many small hardware items which I could not previously find here. The Canadian hardware stores got off their butts and started stocking some of these. They became competitive, and ended up chasing the American stores out. Now they are going back to slim pickins. No wonder duct tape is so valued here!

Thank God for the internet!
Well I just returned from a trade show and a salesman whom I know rather well just so happens to reside in Buffalo, NY and has Canadian contacts for Electrogome. So, just maybe, all is not lost!
Hi HiTech,

Still no contact, and I can't find the shop they claim they have. Grrr! I would try and pursue your other channel. I know this blows, but I don't think I'm able to locate your board. So sorry.

I haven't given up yet, but it just seems like a dead end so far.
Canadians don't DRINK bad beer, they contract brew formerly good beers *cough* Guinness Extra Stout *cough* for U.S. megaswill brewers, then 'export' them to here so they can still say the beers are 'imported'.

I avoid the problem by homebrewing.
You can keep your Molson's (I do admit tho, that it's a good tasting brew) and rip on American made ales, but Canada will never surpass the US when it comes to whiskey or bourbon. It takes a character like that in my avatar to produce some white lightning from a hidden distillery!!

Don't mess with Jethro (avatar) 'cause he can cook up a batch of 180 proof moonshine and shoot the left wing off a fly at 50 paces with his .22 rifle. When he ain't using corn for mash, he's carving out a cob for a pipe.
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