Ohmic value

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New Member
What is the best way to identify the ohmic value of a small resistor ? Colour coding or Letter coding. I"m thinking letter coding because it is easier to interpret once you know your letter abbreviations. What do you think? Thanks....
I think he means how to write the value of the resistor on the actual component. However the best is obviously number coding as you can work out the value immediately. What is the value of a "40D" resistor?????? The only reason they put 40D is due to the fact that the resistor is too small to put 4 digits!!!
It's likely also too small to put all the color code stripes.
Makes sense if everything is put together by machines anyhow.

We don't need no steenkin' human-readable symbols ...
The best way according to me is to measure it using multimeter.But since you have given only two choices I would go for color coding.It is just fun and interesting.
One snag with colour coding, which never gets a mention, is that roughly 1 in 7 males has defective colour vision. I wonder how many manually-assembled products have manufacturing faults because of mis-interpreted colours!

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