Oil Filled Transformer

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How big would you have it to be?

Isn't it better just buying a bigger one if cooling is a problem? It's much easier and also in most cases much safer.

Oil may expand with heat, and any container must have equipment to prevent damage as a result of high pressure.
Guys, I am doing Oil Filled Transformer. Do anyone of you have idea on it?

Yes, unless you really know what you are doing I suggest not doing it.


Transformer Blast

You don't mention anything about voltages or loads?

[snip cautionary tale]

Or homework; check the other posting on the same topic here. Coincidence? I think not.

Yeah, I caught that after this thread. Maybe they are in the same class? We see that every now and then or dare I say the same person? Now you must admit the clip I posted is pretty cool. Have an admin or mod check the IP and if the same we hunt him down and shoot him? Maybe at sunrise?

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