OK boffins help me build this

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freddie belmont

New Member
I'm a British dj working in the states i have built lighting boxes, but never bulit the controller

I want a controller that will handle 300 watts per channel USA mains power.

Five channels forward/reverse chaser that will opperate, on it own or switch to sound to light mic or speaker lead.

but to make things change from one effect to another star burst or cart wheel

using positive to negitive switching, on a timmer 5 to 10 second switching.

I have the boxes ready wire to X and Y for the effects.

Just need a controller. solid state would be nice but if I have to use relays so be it.

So are you up to it!

E mail thedjfromtheuk@yahoo.com
Freddie, I can't blame you for asking, but unless you stumble upon someone who has done something very similar, that's not something that can be designed in an hour or two. I don't know about the rest of the guys who lurk here, but that's about the limit of my free time.

I agree!, he's wanting a fully designed professional project - why not just buy a controller?, if you're British and living in the USA you'll find that all this sort of gear is a fraction of the UK cost!.
I've done the sound to light bit, 24 channels, stereo position, adjustable damping, etc. but it was a long time ago. I used a 6809 processor. It was a dismal failure. It got thrown out of the disco because everyone stopped dancing and stood spellbound watching the lights. Such is life.
oops..Here i go again..* A-P-O-L-I-G-I-Z-E *
Boffin - Noun-
The term first appeared as a moniker given by members of Britain's Royal Air Force to scientists doing research on radar. But like most slang, the how and why of this are unknown.
i guess not being British ,I just wouldent know .. so sorry...
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