Ok... keep it clean and pleasant in this thread!! (lol)

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Strings conduct pretty well after they have smoldered and have turned into carbon. It is difficult to keep the temperature just right so the strings turn into carbon and not into ash. Ask Thomas Edison how he did it 128 years ago.
Krumlink said:
My binary Clock using Digital and Logic Chips worked first time

Have you seen those Binary watches you can buy? I've been toying with the idea of getting one for ages.

Let's have a look at your Binary Clock then!

The snow storm is more than 6 hours delayed. They say we will get 30cm of snow in the next 16 hours.
I think a lot of it will be rain and freezing rain. Nice and slippery.
It's a good night to have plenty of hot chocolate on hand, I spend too much time today playing BF1942 and programming a Christmas star.
  list p=12C509A
   [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]include <p12C509A.inc>
   cblock 0x07
   org 0x0000
   goto Start[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]L_TRIS addwf PCL, F  ; LED TRIS 00 thru 20 (00 =  off)
   dt 0xFF,0xCF,0xEB,0xF9,0xFC,0xCF,0xEB,0xF9,0xFC,0xDB,0xFA
   dt 0xDB,0xFA,0xDD,0xDD,0xED,0xED,0xEE,0xEE,0xDE,0xDE
L_GPIO addwf PCL,  F  ; LED GPIO 00 thru 20 (00 =  off)
   dt 0x00,0x20,0x10,0x04,0x02,0x10,0x04,0x02,0x01,0x20,0x04
   dt 0x04,0x01,0x20,0x02,0x10,0x02,0x10,0x01,0x20,0x01[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]Start movlw .20
   movwf LED[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]Next movf LED, W
   call L_TRIS  ; get the port  TriState value
   TRIS GPIO  ; set the  tristate
   movf LED,W
   call L_GPIO  ;
   movwf GPIO  ;
   decfsz Dly
   goto $-1  ;  delay
   decfsz LED
   goto Next
   goto Start
**broken link removed**
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Here we go.

I need to repair a few things on it.

It is from the older thread, I will post another pic of it soon.
ericgibbs said:
Hi Gramo,
Long time no see, have you been on a sabatical?
If all goes to plan, this time next month I'll be in sunny SA for 2 months... nice and warm.

haha, first of all, I had to google "Sabbatical" - hah, yes, well kind of. I recently got posted from the Hawk 127's to the Hornet F/A 18's, steep learning curve, but been having fun the whole time.

I lost the desire to dredge through the forums at electro tech for a bit to.. They are just so volatile compared to some other havens I hang out in during spare time, eg **broken link removed**

At least there I don't have 3 pages of unread new posts every time I visit, and there isn't a 1000:1 (Homework:Interesting Posts) ratio

Not much has changed here I see, Nigel is still flexing his mod power and the old school crew are hanging in there strong as always

I'm still into PIC's and Swordfish (So look out Nigel and other Assembler Die Hard Fans!). I've made a couple of nice projects over the last couple of months, best would have to be the time fountain I managed to perfect a while back.

I was going to PM this, but thought it be better posted just to break the ice with everyone (well anyone that cares )

Hows things on your end of the world going? Made/done anything worth posting about recently?
Hi Bryan,
Its SA , that is South Africa!.
My son and I have a small [stock] farm near Port Elizabeth, I try to spend a couple of months each UK winter over there.

Missed last year due to ill health, this will be my tenth 'safari' and I expect my last, its a 24 hour journey,
change flights at Jo'burg, getting too long in the tooth to travel alone,

Many thanks for the kind invitation to see your farm in OZ, who knows one day I may take you up on that offer!

Sorry about the SA confusion, didnt think, I was having a 'senior moment'
The DutchForce forum doesn't have attachments so it full of confusion (which transistor are you talking about?) or waiting for ImageShack to wake up.
One noobie got mad after I explained that his new "200 Whats" car radio had 4 channels with 14 Watts each. I couldn't attach articles to back me up.
It is snowing like crazy. I can barely see across the street.
It is about 15cm in most spots but there are some high drifts from the wind.

That's nice. A neighbour used his snowplow all along the sidewalk.
audioguru said:
It is snowing like crazy. I can barely see across the street.
It is about 15cm in most spots but there are some high drifts from the wind.

That's nice. A neighbour used his snowplow all along the sidewalk.

That's what I just got finished doing! I've got a John Deere L130 with a 42" blade, so I generally run the sidewalk for the neighbours. It's the second time I've been out, and I expect I'll be out a few more times yet.

Here's a quick shot out my front door.


  • DCP_5809.JPG
    115 KB · Views: 261
Gonna hit the 55F tonight here. I have firewood.. But we have a lot of moist air, so it feels cold as heck, but no snow to clean up, sure my kids would love it though, for about a day

Wonder if that Polar Bear is gonna sue, slip and fall like that.
It stopped snowing for a few minutes so I went out and cleaned off the car and shovelled about 50 feet. Then I nearly froze to death in the wind.

My neighbour across the street has a tiny electric snow thrower. It is nearly useless but it didn't break down yet.

Some cars on my street are getting stuck in the snow.

It will be winter in 5 days.
It will be summer in 6 months plus 5 days.
Lol firewood for 55F? It is about 20F here. The coldest day in MI I can remember was that it was about -15F and they had to cancel school for a couple days.
Krumlink said:
Lol firewood for 55F? It is about 20F here. The coldest day in MI I can remember was that it was about -15F and they had to cancel school for a couple days.

They cancel school here at even the hint of a bit of snow. Infact, they cancel everything!!!

ThermalRunaway said:
They cancel school here at even the hint of a bit of snow. Infact, they cancel everything!!!

When I was in Kerry, Ireland they talked about when it snows. Less than an inch puts people off the roads left and right, and nobody goes anywhere 'til it's gone...

There's about six to eight inches down right now, with the drifts up against the house. I have a 288 foot gravel driveway. It's still snowing. Temp and wind chill are terrible right now. Plus, the lake effect off Lake Erie shifted due to the winds and we're getting pummeled when it's normally northeast of us. Happy I'm home for college before this; the fifteen minute walk to class would be terrible.
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