Oklahoma Tornado.

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Seen the Oklahoma Tornado on UK TV, the devastation and the loss of life it caused, hope you guys and your families are OK.

Yeah it's all over the news here too in Australia (at least on the cable new channels).

Looks horrific! I hope for the best for the people affected.

Yeah i didnt realize how bad it was until i saw it on the news last night. 51 confirmed deaths already, and the homes are completely wrecked looking like a field of toothpicks. What a mess. My thoughts and prayers out to the people affected.

Nature sure is getting nasty these days. I cant forget how the last storm affected us here in my area. Never saw it that bad before, so i am thinking that the predictions by the climate experts that storms will get worse and worse are all true. It may not be every year, but when they come they come in bigger and stronger.
I don't know if they are getting bigger and stronger but there a lot more people in the path of these storms today. Tornado alley is a very old term for that part of country and as a kids in Texas we would see monster storms on the ground eating up mostly empty farm land for miles and miles that today are suburbs for large cities. We had buried 55 gal drums in a bunker around the farm to get inside if it was headed our way but thank goodness never took a direct hit. Early warning saved a large number of lives. These people will rebuild for the next time.

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