old portable amplifier

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I recently found an old portable amplifier at an estate sale. It has mic and guitar inputs and it has 'UNINET' in big letters at the front. It's the size of a large thick book with the controls at the top. Except for the controls, it is covered in leather with 'ALL TRANSISTAR' on it (yes, it is misspelt). I'll try to get pictures of it and to get it working.

In the meanwhile, any information about it would be useful.

In keeping with your user name, I'm rather dubious about the worth of an amplifier when the manufacturer can't even spell transistor!
Unfortunately, I haven't gotten around to cleaning it up. I'll probably do it after the holidays. The only electronic problems that I can see are that the battery contacts are corroded (it runs on 4 D cells) and that it's been rewired to bypass the speaker. Once I fix those problems it looks like it'll work.
Guyatone amplifiers are not supported my the mfgr. any more. They currently produce tuners and stomp boxes, but not amps. That amp is considered a "vintage" amp and could possibly fetch a nice bundle when working and in good cosmetic condition. Basically they are Fender clones with a few design twists, sometimes worthwhile features. They are not considered to be ho-hum quality amps. They rate up their with the big name brands.

Here are a couple of links that may assist you in repairing or tweaking it:

Guitar Amp Reviews: Harmony Central® - User Reviews

... and to think about 18 years ago someone threw out a working Rickenbacher tube amp at the curb, and I quickly snatched it up then sold it at a flea market for a mere $10. El Stupido!
It's not a tube amp, it uses 3 germanium transistors: 2 2SB175s and a 2SB345.

I'd get pictures up but my camera's out of batteries and I have them recharging.

It's not in good condition by any standards. Aside from the problems I told you about, the cream coloured plastic at the top is cracked so much that it's impossible to screw the top down in its current state.
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Pictures. I took the plastic cover off but it's in the last picture.


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In about 1955 I got an AM radio for my birthday with a crappy old amplifier and speaker like that. It had a leather case.

Your cell phone takes lousy photos.
Your cell phone takes lousy photos.

It's not a cell phone, it is a really horrible digital camera. My main camera is film since I've never really had any reason to switch over, so the only digital camera I have is a really old HP camera that I picked up at a garage sale for $20. I only use it for posting to the internet.
Its pics are so bad that it should not be used for anything.
In about 1955 I got an AM radio for my birthday with a crappy old amplifier and speaker like that.
My old radio looks like that. It's BEL188 power transistors looks exactly like this with a barrel metal case and legs covered with plastic insulation. Same speaker also! The magnet doesn't have a central hole like modern ones.
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