on complementary multivibrator

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this is complementary multivibrator.

here is what I can understand: at first,vcc goes through r1,c1,s,to charge c1 . when c1 left voltage goes to about 0.5v, q1 starts to conduct. and that makes q2 to conduct. and collector voltage of q2 goes high. this is coupled to base of Q1 by c1. this is positive feedback.

my question: what will happen next?how vibrator works?


  • IMG_20230514_194647.jpg
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adding those resistors switched the polarity of it!!!!
The output pulses to the load (or speaker) are still very short positive spikes.
Also, check the labels at the top of each image, the colour are not necessarily the same from one to the other.

The part about the motor makes no sense, sorry??
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