one happy family!!!

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who do you find most friendly/funny/helpfull on this forum.

my answer is.

Futz,torban,hero999,audioguru,blueroomelectronics,Marks256,Dknguyen,ericgibbs,Nigel Goodwin(of course ),theinfamousbob,Thunderchild,Roff, Krumlink.

I feel most at home with these people on this forum, and you??????
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Lots of smart, bright people here. But I specialize in RF Engineering, and the one that helped me the most would be RadioRon.

Props for Ron!!!
quixotron said:
Lots of smart, bright people here. But I specialize in RF Engineering, and the one that helped me the most would be RadioRon.

Props for Ron!!!

Roff (at least in recent memory).
I'm flattered my neame was mentioned.

I would hate to narrow it down to one person, there are many helpful people here.
Hey, thanks for including me on the list.

I'm sure there are lots more I'm not remembering right now, but I'd add Len (ljcox) to the list. He's definitely spent time and walked me through a couple of things I was having a hard time with. Many of the names already on the list have gone above and beyond as well.

stevez, JimB, and RadioRon have helped me with some radio related questions.

I find ROLDALCO interesting, as he seem to know about power distribution, somthing I find interesting.

Kchriste and Pommie have been helpful with PIC issues i've had.

So has BlueroomElectronics, along with bringing alot of cool projects to the board.

Sceadwian was interesting also, but seem to have left the boards

I admire how ljcox takes the time to had draw and upload circuits, and admire how he dosn't use micro-controllers in his circuits. Not that I don't enjoy micros, but it takes so much more thinking to do somthing without one!
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I find a lot of people on here to be very helpfull and i would like to thank them all. However i will refrain from mentioning names because i am certain to leave someone out and would not want to hurt their feelings.
I feel i have learn the most from the people on my list, others have help alot to, but when i have been stuck on a poject, these people have helped me through to the end, and other on the list have a great sense of humour, if someone is thinking, well i should be on that list, then yes you probably should but i cant remember everyone at once, if i remember you ill add you
I'm honored for the mention -- I never thought I actually contributed that much.

That being said, here's a picture of Adam Savage (from Mythbusters) as Gordon Freeman (Half Life and Half Life 2 games).

I'd have to agree with your post, add Hero999, justDIY, Andy1845c, Hank Fletcher, and all of the other regular contributers I've forgotten (in the haze between a physics lab and cram-studying for a chemistry of materials test).

...maybe not Krummy p )

Thanks a ton!


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Lol wow really? Thanks!


I don't want to post a list, because I would end up forgetting a person and I dont want em mad at me
Krumlink's there because i find him to be a humoures person, but not helpfull, well not to me anyway, sorry Krumlink, im sure he has helped heaps of others though
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I would like to thank the academy, for the wondrous opportunity. The little voice inside my head for all the support. And of course all the members who voted for me.

i think 3v0 is uncommonly helpful and generous with his time in taking k.l. under his wing.
Bill at blueroom is also astonishingly open and also generous.
If its who is helpful to me then this is my list ( hope not forgot any ):

Nigel Goodwin, Audioguru, blueroomelectronics, Dknguyen, ericgibbs, Roff, jumides, mvs sarma, hero999, eblc1388, bananasiong, philba

and if its for the forum then make a vote with names ( exclude Nigel and Audiguru ) to get the other eight in the top ten list .
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