OOOOPs Think I killed my PIC16F628A!

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Active Member
Hi Guys,

I just tried to program my PIC with a new program, the second part of Nigels tutorial to make leds flash, and now the LEDs flash when in PGM mode as well as RUN mode on my Velleman 8048.

I also cant reprogram or erase as it says there is no PIC on board, Programmer must be set to PGM Mode (It is!) and PIC type mismatched with software!

Any ideas? Have I killed it by programming it?


Just checked the programmer and it seems ok, just programmed a PIC16F627 with a test routine that came with the programmer and it runs fine.

Is there something you can do to a PIC using a standard programmer that can irrevocably damage it?

I got into PICs as I thought they were foolproof, but as someone said unless its a determined fool!


First of, I am no PIC expert but I had a programmer while back that programmed a new one OK but after I erased it then it would not re-program it. I got rid of the programmer (a known brand) and got a newer model. My new one has not given me any problems. Luckily I realized I had a problem and did not throw out any of the "bad" PIC's.
Hi all,

Rolf, what was the old programmer and what is the new good one?

Also as to Picasm's suggestion of updating the programming software, I just wish I could. I can't find anything about it on the Velleman site or Maplin.

I am considering building / buying a new programmer with more control so any suggestions!


Al, my old programmer is marked: OLIMEX LTD, PIC-P62C on the top of the PCB. My newer one is not marked on the top and I have a piece for plastic glued on the bottom, so I cant read anything there. I have therefore posted a picture of the two, the older one is in the foreground.

Edit: Couldn't get picture to show, so I posted URL

**broken link removed**
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You will not believe how much these IC's are tough unless you had similar to my experience with using handling them. I did many mistakes and they are still working.

Recently I faced a problem because I used PIC16F628A instead of PIC16F628 which Nigel wrote his Tutorials for.

He himself advised me to to alter the config line from 0x3D18 to 0x2118. you can read the thread:
WInPicProg Help

Hi all,

Thanks for the input Aljamri, maybe that would work, but at the mo I can't get the PIC into program mode( well my Velleman 8048 says its not there at all !) even though when I switch to run mode it runs OK.

What I am trying now is using WinPicProg instead of the one that came with the Velleman programmer, but I have another problem now, does anyone know if WinPicProg will actually work with the Velleman as was suggested by Picasm, and if so what do I need to do on the settings, there are settings for VPP, Data, etc and I have no help file, so I'm lost.

This is my last effort before I have a go at building a new programmer (the oshonsoft) suggested by Eric, but a snag again, it requires a 74LS06 and the closest I have is a 74LS04, they look pretty much same spec wise if the voltages won't hurt the 04 that is, if you know give me a shout.

Thanks again.........Al
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Velleman K8048 (select "Custom interface on COM port", then select definition file "velleman_k8048.ini")

(It is in the manual included with the install files (index.htm))
baffled again!

picasm said:
Velleman K8048 (select "Custom interface on COM port", then select definition file "velleman_k8048.ini")

(It is in the manual included with the install files (index.htm))

Hi Picasm,

Sorry to be asking again, but where do I put the above info?

I have included a screenshot of my WinPicProg with the only hardware option screen I can find, I'm stumped


PS there are no other files in the Zip, just the beta.exe
It is set-up by clicking on the "Interface" tab.

The help file is in the C:\Program Files\WinPic\html folder after you have installed Winpic

Note that I gave you the link for "winpic" not "winpicprog" which is a different program


  • winpic.jpg
    27.7 KB · Views: 345
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oops forgot screenshot

picasm said:
It is set-up by clicking on the "Interface" tab.

The help file is in the C:\Program Files\WinPic\html folder after you have installed Winpic

Hi Picasm,

Sorry mate, forgot to upload my screenshot, I cant find the part you got on your WPP! Help



  • WPPscreen.jpg
    316.1 KB · Views: 232
picasm said:
You have the wrong program - you need "winpic" from the link I posted earlier.


Thanks mate and sorry for being a bit thick, I have a cold, well thats my excuse to the missus anyway!

I'll let everyone know how I get on.

Whoopie I can program again!

Hi folks,

Thanks Picasm for the excellent advice on the software, like you said the Win Pic Prog does indeed support my Velleman, and controls it way way better than their own software ever did.

Now reprogramming the 16F628A isn't a problem, at last!

But sadly I have now got stuck on something else!

Damn I hate LCDs!!!

Thanks again............Al
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