Operation, Maintenance and Development of electrical and electronic hardware in a user facility

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Sounds a bit like management/marketing/HR speak. ie gobbledegook.

But let's analyse it...

Operation - Using the equipment

Maintenance - Repairing and keeping the equipment in a usable condition

Development - Designing new versions and making improvements to the equipment

Electrical and Electronic Hardware - Obvious?

User Facility - The users premises, ie offices, factory, warehouse etc.

Does that help?

Thank you.

I was asked to prepare a presentation slide on this topic.

Is there any material I can read on this topic?
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I guess that you really drew the short straw.

Who/What/How/Why set you up for this task?


More 'dropped right in it' - than 'set up'

I agree with you Jim, just a load of crap gobbledegook, with the HR department trying to make themselves sound important.
This could also entail assessing the present state of any or all equipment as to the present age of a system, i.e. is the present installation of a certain age that will benefit from an upgrade or retro-fit, for example, consists of large hard-wired electrical components and cabinetry that are very laborious and difficult to diagnose any maintenance problems.
A possible solution would be to implement PLC control systems and train maintenance personnel in the use of the equipment in order rapidly diagnose problems and to cut down on assembly line down times.
To replace failure prone AC solenoids through-out the system with the DC variety which are much less prone to such failures.
Just for a few.
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