operational amplifier question

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New Member
i have a question on this analog electronics

i would like to ask, if we would like to get expression on Vout/ Vin as the attachment show

which they ask V2/Vs in terms of k and Ri

which formula can be form for that

i only get a formula

which is V2/Vs = - R2/R1, but i cant get on what they request

Circuit Diagram
You can use nodal analysis to find voltage on node A (Vi)
And if you know VA then V2 = -K * VA
So we can write
[LATEX]\frac{ Vs - V_A}{R1} = \frac{V_A}{Ri} + \frac{V_A - ( -K * V_A) } { R2}[/LATEX]

After you analyze the circuit you get something like this:

and to find out what happens when k gets infinite you can take the limit as k approaches plus infinity:
limit[k -->+inf](-(k*Ri*Vs*R2)/(R1*R2+Ri*R2+k*Ri*R1+Ri*R1))

and we get:

and note that now the response no longer depends on Ri as it did when k was finite. This is one of the main points of an op amp where we use a large gain to counter the effects of something else to get better accuracy overall. In practice k is not infinite but can be very very high like 100,000 or 1 million.
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Ri can be infinity, but it doesnt have to be. That's the whole point of the large gain. The only value it can not be is zero.
For Ri =∞

[LATEX]\frac{Vout}{Vin}=-\frac{K*R2}{R1 + K*R1 + R2}=\frac{K}{1+( \frac{R1}{R2}*(1+K))}[/LATEX]
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if k is infinity

then v2/Vs = -(Ri*R2)/(R1*R2+Ri*R2+2*Ri*R1)

if Ri is infinity

V2/Vs = - (K*R2)/(R1+K*R1+R2)

if k and Ri is infinity

V2/Vs = -R2/R1
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No, the only think you need to get this result :
V2/Vs = -R2/R1 is K =∞
Ri doesnt have to be infinity.
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Hmm, don't understand

K is open loop gain

And close loop gain (overall gain) is equal

[LATEX]\frac{Vout}{Vin}=-\frac{K*R2}{R1 + K*R1 + R2}=\frac{K}{1+( \frac{R1}{R2}*(1+K))}[/LATEX]

For Ri =∞
for example
when i do Ri = 1k and k = 100
i get the gain about -4.505

when i do Ri = infinity and k = 10
i get about -0.01

then like when both is infinity
it get about -5

so it ask to analyze the effect of the above gain value
how do i explain on the above 3
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