Opinions on Realistic DX Models

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I am still considering Mike MI' s suggestion from several weeks ago about using a LW radio to detect a crystal's true oscillating frequency. The Kenwood 1000 or 2000 are nice and not particularly expensive, but I do not currently listen to much radio.

Realistic communication radios can be had for 1/3 to 1/4 the cost. Specifically, I am looking at and would like insights on the DX302, DX380, and DX440. Based on what I have read, my ranking is DX302>DX440>>DX380 for various testing purposes, as well as maybe getting hooked on the hobby. Or, should the order be DX302>>DX440>DX380?


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Thanks, Mike.

I have read a lot of reviews. That is why I included the DX380. The DX-302 is said to go to 10 KHz (!), which is why I listed it first.

I don't think I would go wrong with any of the three at the right price. But if at the same price...?

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John, if you are looking for a receiver which will be used as test equipment from time to time, I would suggest the DX302.
A very similar receiver is the Yaesu FRG7 (not the FRG770 which is somewhat different), it could be that the DX302 is basically a "Badge Engineered" FRG7, there were several clones of the FRG7 at one time.

Nigel, what are your plans for the stuff?

I don't know yet - it was from a guy I've known for years, and he had added me to his will, leaving me his beloved JRC gear and radio tower.

However, he's not died - but he decided to 'splash out' on a nice new super-duper rig, so has given me his old gear now (except for the tower).

He's hoping I might become an active ham again, at the moment I'm still thinking about it - and considering getting my licence back (if I can find the previous one ).
I was given this a few days go:

A Marconi TF2370 Spectrum Analyser.
It is a shame that it does not work.

I was given this a few days go:
View attachment 94943

A Marconi TF2370 Spectrum Analyser.
It is a shame that it does not work.


Is it completely dead?, if so it might be a fairly easy fix?.

Funnily enough the new radio my friend bought has a spectrum analyser built in - so you can look at the entire amateur band and see if there are any transmissions - I told him I considered that 'cheating'
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