optical fibre comm. system

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New Member
is there any 1 who can give the idea abt the optical fibres comm. systems and if possible give a simple explanation for a simple projects involving it!!!
optical fibers simply guide pulses of light, whereas electrical systems use wires to guide electrical signals. the light signals are then interpreted. its just another way of transferring data.

as far as easy projects go, I really have no idea. optical stuff is generally harder to work with and more expensive, as its an emerging technology. I mean, i guess you could get an optical fiber and put one end near an LED and one end near a photoresistor and transfer some data that way, but its not really the same thing...
is there any 1 who can give the idea abt the optical fibres comm. systems and if possible give a simple explanation for a simple projects involving it!!!

I believe you can buy the Tx and Rx units from Digikey for the glass fibre, ones that use leds and ones that use lasers,and maybe also for the plastic if I remember correctly.
Good Luck, Mike
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