Optocouplers SPICE models for Proteus

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Sadly, it's the same I put at the beginning, and on Proteus it doesn't work... :-(
That's the reason I need to know what the hell are the Proteus PROSPICE commands...
To me this one gives no errors, but simply doesn't transfer the command to the output,
as I told it's likely a different sintax of parameters for the behavioural generators.
Syntax errors where on other simulators the models run quietly.
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I meant reverting a model subcircuit into hierarchical schematic, to see how it's made
The process for going from a hierarchical schematic is to ask for a netlist of the schematic, copy that to a text editor and add the .subckt and .ends statements. At least that is the way I have always done it.

ETA: sorry I read your question wrong. there is a standalone utility that will read a sub circuit an make a sort of a schematic. By that I mean it puts each component on a sheet and labels each and every net. In theory you manually connect all the nets and rearrange the components. It is called: Schbuilder.exe and here is an example of the output.
NB. It seems to have trouble with Unicode characters which LTspice make extensive use of.

Which I was then able to turn into this

ETA: this was not my design, I was just trying to help another poster.
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Ok, but how about starting from subckt and ending with the hierarchical schematic?
that is "ripping out" the subcircuit?
Let's take for example the 6N137.
Say I have two models, one from the Proteus internal library and one you gave me.
Is there any operation that allows me to see the "internals" hierarchical construction
of the two models so that I can understand and compare the way they work?
Ok, but how about starting from subckt and ending with the hierarchical schematic?
that is "ripping out" the subcircuit?
Sorry for the delay, but that is what SchBuilder is supposed to do. See ETA from previous post for an example of the output.
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A lot of thanks, Papabravo, maybe this is my ace!
Yes, I see that we have had a "timewindow conflict"!
Now I look for SchBuilder, crunch it a little and then report.
Kind regards


I know its been a while, but I've managed to complete a hierarchical model for a VO2630. The pspice model you provided is incompatible with spice3, so I had to make a model from scratch using the pspice model and datasheet as a guide. Perhaps you can use my model a guide for making a model for the HPCL-2430.

I've attached the file below.


  • VO2630_Test.zip
    30.1 KB · Views: 267
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