Hi all,
It's already more than one month I'm struggling to have models for optocouplers VO2630 and HCPL-2430 working on Proteus 8.13. Following the examples in the Proteus help, in the past I successfully realized various models for transistors and components I needed, though my knowledge about SPICE itself is very poor. This time, despite I searched all over the web, finding some 10 different though related models for the VO2630, I wasn't able to have any working, and different errors for each of them.
I also tried to get rid of this starting with a simpler 6N137, that is the half model of VO2630 and also present in the Proteus library, hoping to understand by comparing the existent(and working) model with a downloaded one. No way. I then tried to plainly study the SPICE3F5 which is addressed as compatible to Proteus, bu I found again sintax errors due to different sintax styles.
The main problem is that I never was able to find a complete and organic list of all the Proteus SPICE commands, while that can be found for, say, Orcad. So, my first request is where I can find such a list, without it I cannot go far.
The SPICE examples given in the Proteus help are very limited and too few, for example I wasn't able to find an example for the simulation and installation of a digital part, the only label used is analog,subckt, trying digital,subckt gives an error. Then there are problems with the digital supplies: some explicitly use DPWR,DGND and I don't know how to translate it into Proteus. Not to speak about behavioural sources, that seem to have quite different sintax, and are very likely the true error cause. So I'm quite stumbling around in the dark of my unwanted ignorance. Instead of adding here some of the lots of wrong things I tried, I prefer to focalize on two model files I found on the web, hoping someone can tell me how to successfully modify and install them. Please note that to be allowed to upload the VSH_OPTO_10M file I had to change its extension from .lib to .txt, that wouldn't give any problem.
While making the device, for HCPL-2430 I have set pins A1,A2,C1,C2 as Passive; GND,VCC as Power; VO1,VO2 as Output.
For VO2630, I set all pins as passive, except for VCC and GND, as it has open drain outputs, but am not sure it's right, because looking to the 6N137 already present in library, it has the output declared as output instead, and it's working fine. The other fields are as follows: PACKAGE SOIC254P1030X508-8, DIP762W50P254L977H451Q8; PRIMITIVE analogue,subckt; SPICEFILE VSH_OPTO_10M.LIB; SPICEMODEL VO2630; SPICEPINS A1,C1,C2,A2,GND,VO2,VO1,VCC.
To test them I used for both the same circuit shown below. The HCPL-2430 doesn't give errors on simulation, but while the LEDs give reasonable voltage and current when switched on, both outputs remain to the same voltage,around 2.26V if left open, very close to zero if connected to GND via a 1k resistor. That makes me think there is no proper value or some open connection around the behavioural block, but I'm not so skilled to fix it.
Things go worse when testing the VO2630: the simulation crashes at start, giving the errors:
SUBCKT '' used in ':U1:U11' but not found.
SUBCKT '' used in ':U1:U12' but not found.
Failed to expand subcircuits.
Simulation FAILED due to fatal simulator errors.
For what I have understood, there are errors in the AND subcircuit, just as a subcircuit lacked its name. Then I see names like $G_DPWR $G_DGND that I suspect are reserved and unsupported by the Proteus version.
Could I run this simulation step by step, I could better see when and why it crashes, but I'm not aware of such a function, neither in Proteus, nor elsewhere.
Kind regards