Orcad Layout to Corel Draw

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Can anybody please tell me how single sided PCB layout prepared using Orcad can be transferred to Corel DRAW.
I think there is no problem in pulling down the O/P pin of 89C2051 to ground through a push switch (as it has a built in pull up resistor at this point which will limit the current). Am I right?


  • MC1.GIF
    8.6 KB · Views: 291
I think there is no problem in pulling down the O/P pin of 89C2051 to ground through a push switch (as it has a built in pull up resistor at this point which will limit the current). Am I right?

I mean as the microcontroller has a pull up resistor.
you can make this by creating gerber file from orcad then use gbr to bmp program to give you the bmp file then you can take it by corel
With the internal pull-up resistors the switch should not be a problem.
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