Hi All
After shelving this repair for some time I'm back on it as I'm needing my scope and can't afford to buy another.
I've been searching quite a bit on the net and have come across the schematic of the HV supply circuitry.
The problem is that the CRT is dead, and there is no HV output from the transformer. I found that Q950 (D880) is frying, getting so hot it melts the plastic insulation washer.
I've also changed U950 (UA741CN) but with no luck.
I've removed the transformer and got the following resistances. Pin1-Pin4 = 0.3Ω, Pin4-Pin5 = 1Ω, Pin6-Pin8 = 330Ω, Pin10 is not used and is left open.
I'm getting all the right voltages (+12, -12) where they need to be.
My theory is as follows:
Although the very low resistance of the transformer inputs, I'm sure its driven at high frequencies therefore the impendence will reduce the current load. I think the circuit is not oscillating and therefore the low resistance is shorting through the D880 and causing it to burn, But I'm not sure?
I'm not sure where or what to check now? Which part of the circuit causes the oscillation to drive the D880?
I would really appreciate some help or guidance, as I really need to get this scope working.
Just one note on the schematic, C957 is not on the board, and there has never been a component soldered in there.
Thanks in advance!