Oshonsoft simulation speed

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Well-Known Member

I am simulating programs with Oshonsoft SIM. After I input data into the hardware UART, it then goes into the simulation very slowly. I set the speed to the fastest. On my slower computer it runs fater!

Does anyone know what's happening, and how to speed it up, please?

hi C,
Have you tried setting the UART TX/RX time.? its under the OPTION's.
Also I guess you are using Define SIMULATION_WAITMS_VALUE = 1 in your program header.?

Also set the first LCD delay to 300, leave the the remaining delays as their defaults.

Under options set the Ultimate Refresh Interval to 1 second



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Hi Eric,

Spot on! it was the UART write time set to 1000us. Much faster now.

Thanks, C.
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