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Nigel Goodwin

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Now that must have hurt!?.

This is a workmate of a friends son, some sort of 'machine' (presumably for firing down conduit?, to pull cables through perhaps?) - and he didn't do it right. Looks like it could have been a LOT worse!.
There are people who would pay top-dollar for a piercing like that
Why the collar?

It's so he doesn't break his neck when they pulled it out, either that or he yanked his neck when it went in?

Looks like it could have been a LOT worse!

He probably didn't feel much pain when it went through his skin going so fast. All the pain comes in the healing process.

Had it turned inward passing through the ribs, it could have hit a major artery or spinal cord. Your right. It could have turned out terribly wrong.

He's a lucky guy. Normally they use air and a foam transport with a pull string for pulling wire in a conduit. Of course I guess, there pulling the wire at the same time. Never seen it done? Sounds interesting.
He's a lucky guy. Normally they use air and a foam transport with a pull string for pulling wire in a conduit. Of course I guess, there pulling the wire at the same time. Never seen it done? Sounds interesting.

I'm only guessing that's what it was, I've no actual knowledge - but I know they do things like camera wiring and such in nuclear power stations?
I have worked around guys who would have pulled it out folded up some toilet paper and duct taped it over the holes and went back to work.

It's what I probably would have done. Then only went to the hospital when I got home just so my wife would stop chewing on me.
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