Output a couple of simple music notes

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New Member
Apologies in advance for my lack of musical and electronic knowledge on this one, If I knew more about what I was looking for I'm sure a simple search at google would turn up a solution.

I'm looking for details of producing simple range of notes from a 555 chip or something. is there a table somewhere that has the resistor configuration i need from the output pins? (i.e so that one pin fires an 'a' , the next fires an 'e' etc.)

I know I've seen the diagram somewhere before but I was hoping someone here could understand me better than google does.

By the way, this place is great!
Welcome Ignorance I think that you're right, this place is great!

Check out this link. The schematic doesn't involve a 555, but this may be the simplest form of an organ that I have seen.

Also, from the same website, look at this schematic. This version is a bit more complex, and costly.

Also, if you have a radio shack, they sell a little tune box which will play tunes. I think this is somewhere around $15 or so.

The first one is the digram I remember seeing, well close to it anyway. Guess I better get on with it then, sorry I took so long to reply, thias has gone onto the backburner for the past few weeks.
Thanks again! ciao!
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