Overunity (Stirring the pot)

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Well-Known Member
Just watched an episode of Dragons Den (filmed here in Toronto) featuring Richard Willis and his overunitiy device. 18W in = 50,000W out. Amazing
YouTube - Dragon's Den - Vorktex MagnaCoaster Power Generation


Richard Willis is the President of the Magnacoaster Motor Company and received a million dollars in seed money from the Dragon's Den on the CBC Monday night.
The local AM news put it this way
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Local Newscasts often omits silly to them but important details...

Actually not completely true, it has an important clause. "If this technology works you've got a deal" the investor Brent said this twice...

It's also mentioned
The technology has been tested at the University of Waterloo.
Can anyone confirm / deny this? What were the results...

Oh yes, here's what your $15,000 USD buys. (The stickers are nice)
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[FONT=book antiqua,palatino]Vorktex Home Unit 12 KW $ 15,000.00 USD[/FONT]
[FONT=book antiqua,palatino]looking for the latest in home power units this is the first from Magnacoaster. T[/FONT]he 12 KW offgrid unit will allow you to have power 24 hours a day without the hydro company and all the charges thet tend to add on your bill every month. this unit needs to be hooked into the fuse box and we recomend a electrician to do this as power can kill. Comes with 14 KW Vorktex head and the new Aims 12 KW inverter.
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