P89V51RD2 phillips microcontroller "Need Help"

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I m using P89V51RD2 micro-controller, i m programming it through a TRI INDIA programming kit.
The pin status of EA' and ALE both are made high,
Reset , oscillator and voltage regulator circuits are also working properly but
when i copy the program to the chip all the ports shows high status and nothing works becoz of it.

Please help me out of this , i m working on a micromouse project with all hardware ready but software not working due to the above problem.
when i copy the program to the chip all the ports shows high status and nothing works becoz of it.

Are you successfully programming the chip? Can you read back the chip and compare files?

If you post a picture or link of your programmer, maybe some source code of your application and any schematics would probably get you more help here.

Here is the pic of our programmer circuit.

The program is succesfully transfered to our chip... but i dont know how to open & compare the files from the chip.
Yes even the simplest program of initializing each port with a zero value even doesn't work...
Yes,a diagram of the programmer circuit is needed!

It would be helpful to know what software you are using to program the device.

You can do a simple test to see if the hardware works.

Open hyperterminal (any baud rate, lower the better, 9600 will be ok)

plug the programmer into the same com port that hyperterminal is using and turn it on.

Type an uppercase "U" and press enter. IF you get a "U" echoed back, the bootloader is working and your programmer works, so it must be the software.

Some of these programs reset the device using some of the serial port pins, this may/may not be your problem, I don't know.
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Thank you guys for all your responses but my micro controller started working....
I think it was like some wire was getting shorted which was giving vcc to the circuit........
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