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It would be great, but package standards seem to only loosely be followed by IC makers. I've run into several TO220 packages that have all been slightly different and needed their own footprints made for boards. If only they would fall in line...
yeah thats why i mentioned MICROCHIP heh... most DIP and SOT and stuff are the same tho. Compare a few and im sure there is a standard... Some choose not to follow it and should indeed tell the consumer/user of the IC about the dimensions... anyone one should always check to make sure there the same before using it... I rather have em made then check the datasheet since most are compatible.
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Here is another image... I might make a Eagle CAD tutorial on making Parts... im sure most know but there are new people all the time

**broken link removed**


  • newLib2.jpg
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  • SOTtoSIP.jpg
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I'm not sure we need another parts tutorial, there are loads of them out there already. One of the better ones is the Sparkfun one:
SparkFun Electronics

Knock those 90 degree bends off to two 45's.
There is nothing wrong with someone wanting to do, or actually producing a tutorial.

Even if it is simply a documented process, there may be methods used which others could benefit from, or those which suggest that the original poster could use an alternative approach to achieve the desired result.

We are all here to help out where we are able, or learn where we are lacking...

Where's the problem in that?
You read a whole lot into my "I'm not sure we need another parts tutorial, there are loads of them out there already." which was neither stated nor implied.

There's no need to be overly defensive. I'm simply pointing out a fact. There are plenty of tutorials out there and my opinion, which is that it is pretty well covered. If Jason believes he can improve on those, then no, I don't see any problem with that and I would encourage it.
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I'm not being defensive, or even overly-defensive. ;-)

Jason suggested that he may produce a tutorial in the future. I look forward to him doing so, since I've seen his progress increase throughout his time on the forum.

Granted, there are a number of Eagle tutorials already out there...SparkFun being one of the better ones, but that should not discourage him from making his own, should he wish to do so.

"I'm not sure we need another parts tutorial...."
kinda suggests that IYO, there is no need for him to proceed.

If you had initially supported his kind offer to the forum, your wording would likely have been more positive...
If you had initially supported his kind offer to the forum, your wording would likely have been more positive...

My opinion is that reinventing the wheel is not something people usually want to do. So, yes, my opinion is that there is no need for him to proceed.

Obviously your opinion is different. I'm not certain why.
The "wheel" started out from what? Stone?

We now have light-alloy wheels and composite rubber tyres..... even an airless tyre in development...

Should we still be using stone wheels, since re-inventing is not permissible?

He has every right to proceed if that is what he chooses to do...
Should we still be using stone wheels, since re-inventing is not permissible?

He has every right to proceed if that is what he chooses to do...

I have in no way stated any of this. Stop reading into messages things that have not been stated. You've polarized a simple opinion of "don't reinvent the wheel" into some Dictate that I am telling people what should and should not be done.

I'm not usually with the people that complain about oversensitiveness on the forum, but seriously stop.
Post #11 implicitly defines your opinion that Jason should not proceed to post a tutorial.....Why?

My opinion is that reinventing the wheel is not something people usually want to do. So, yes, my opinion is that there is no need for him to proceed.

Obviously your opinion is different. I'm not certain why.

If he wants to "re-invent the wheel", why should your opinion be the deciding factor as to him being allowed to do so?

You don't own/moderate the forum and have the power to dictate as to how the other members should act.

You do however have the right, as a member, to make a post.

In making that post, you are subject to critique from other members.............
hey guys... No one needs to argue here. heh... I am still making a tutorial or should i say "HOW TO"... Mainily because im sure i can get a message out in a noobi fashion so all can understand...
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I've just reinvented the wheel being a 32 edges polygon - saves the speed indicator.

well i can beat that as i have recently INVENTED the all new........................SQUARE WHEEL!!!!!!!! i have a few production issues to sort out after that they will be availiable exclusively to members of this site!! so please rush your orders in now for this new revoltionary product that will change your life forever.
hey guys... No one needs to argue here. heh... I am still making a tutorial or should i say "HOW TO"... Mainily because im sure i can get a message out in a noobi fashion so all can understand...

There was no argument taking place, simply a difference of opinions between someone with more Eagle experience...and someone with less..

I am in the "less" category, but am quite open to exploiting any opportunity to learn from the examples of others...regardless of their experience.

Ignore the previous posts and do what you originally intended.

I'll look forward to reviewing your "how-to"

Great! sure will >... I might Just make a simple tips and tricks and other things that might get stuck to newer users.. aka me a month ago heh
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