Pandemic strikes the USA

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Has anybody been having trouble with Gothic and Emo people? What is wrong with them?

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Is canada or any other country having problems with them? they act all depressed and crap, for no reason. I think we should give them cookies and maybe they would feel better
DO you know any personally? THe ones I have met seem to be quite good people- and friendlier and more accepting than your "regular" people.
The one's that I know have their hair died all black with the colored stripes. They all sit together and act "friendly" in the different way. They are all girls, and none of them are nice. they are quite mean actually. Ugh
Gothic people look like dead people and vampires in old movies. They just want to look different from "normal" alive people.
Maybe they don't have any feelings.

Emo people also look weird. I haven't heard Emo music.

Google has lots of pics of Gothic and Emo girls but hardly any guys.


  • Gothic and Emo girl style.JPG
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It's just rebellion. Hippy, punk, grunge, etc have all been "done" by their parents. It's not "cool" to copy your parents.
Why are they all depressed like? Maybe they need a hug and a cookie.

I think they are better off then these people,and even they are smiling:
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I mean come on! They live in a mud house and eat dirt, while these "sad and isolated souls" are eating freakin steak and eggs with clean water that doesn't have some guy's feces in it!

I still think that they need a hug:
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Basically goths are middle class and usually the clever types, chav's are low class and usually thick!

The further maths teacher at my daughters new school (lower sixth - year 12) actually said you don't get chav's in sixth form, they aren't clever enough to make it! :d

Her previous school was almost completely chav - but she managed to convert a number of the cleverer students to her way of thinking.

My daughter is probably semi-goth? - doesn't do the makeup thing, but generally likes the clothes. But I agree with Thermal Runaway, you get some really hot goth girls!.

BTW, what sort of trouble would you be having?, generally goths don't cause any trouble, just leave them alone.
Gothic girls are like normal girls some look good, some don't. The ones that look good always look better when they take their gothic make up off. Boy goths normally look queer with all the make up and piercings even though most of them are straight.

I was never a goth but I did go to a goth night club every now and then when I was younger and I always had a good time except when it was too empty.
My input. Goth people I know are good people.

I have a good friend that is Goth. He is smart and better in most respects than many of the people I know. Has the nose ring, etc and tatoos.. Wears all black and has black hair. I have known him for years so I do not notice as I see him for who he is. Met his folks, they are not Goth, plain old good people.

I admit 6+ years ago when I met him I was like whoa. He freaked out the people at my office but I hired him (because he was qualified for the job, way over qualified actually). hehehe.

It now takes me a couple minutes when we go out someplace before I realize people are staring. As I am clean cut tech type we must look like the pair When I do consulting and bring him in, people hours later will talk as if he is their family.

One Christmas I went out with him to help buy a gift and people let us cut to the front of the line, more than once. Later I joked and told him I will take him shopping more often, was nice not to have to wait in the crowd...

If the females Goth girls do not like you, do the non-Goth girls? Might not have anything to do with chains, black outfits, and make-up.
My only concern is nose rings, lip rings etc. - but this isn't by any means exclusive to goths. As a martial artist they just scream 'TARGET' at me, a really good place to hit where it will cause immense pain!

That may sound weird, but it's part of 'threat assessment', as you walk in a room you scan for potential threats, escape routes, convenient weapons, targets etc.
Nigel Goodwin said:
...That may sound weird, but it's part of 'threat assessment', as you walk in a room you scan for potential threats, escape routes, convenient weapons, targets etc.
I am no martial artist, but I tend to do the same. I try to be aware, and a guy dressed in all black is just too hard to ignore! Here in Massachusetts you have to do that on the road, too. Too many girls on cell phones and old people with Buick tanks. If I was not always looking for them I would have had 5 accidents by now.

Some of them are smart, yes. But I have only seen 1, yes...1, goth/emo on my campus in 4 years. And he was kinda annoying, too. Always had something off-color to say in our ethics class. Maybe most of them grow up when they get into college, or they just don't go to college and stay home cutting themselves all day.

I do have a friend in EE who is kinda a goth. Not so much anymore though. He grew out of it and has a job with some touchscreen LCD company (I forget which).

I do the same thing when I go places with the kids. Too funny, not weird.

And that nose ring is in there pretty good. So you know that will take a body where ever you want then to go. Talk about leading the head, and the body will follow. I know that would hurt bad.
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