Parallel Port to control 24v actuator

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New Member
Hi everyone, I'm new here and it's been a few years since I worked on a bread board so I'm a bit rusty...

I would like to control an actuator that runs on 24v and reads 24v signals using the PC Parallel Port to send the signals. I don't want to use relays because they are slow. It doesn't matter if the signal wires go to 0v or hi-z for a low; 24v is a hi and a flying lead or 0v is low. I think that it's important to use an optical isolator to keep my PC safe and use a separate power supply; the 24v I can pull from a PC power supply wouldn't be able to power this actuator.

Does anyone know of a schematic or a simple way to go about doing this?
How many channels in and out?
How much current does the actuator draw?
Is it inductive?
Do you need to reverse it?
Can the negative side of the 12V supply be common with the PC chassis ground?
This parallel port relay card comes as a kit for about $35 USD. Also if you look at this pdf for the card it includes the schematic. They also offer a serial port version.

Actually today I would consider a USB communications port, only because the old parallel port and RS232 ports are slowly going away.

Here is a circuit using all outputs and inputs of the parallel port.

It uses three hex buffers (74LS367) which can drive opto couplers directly.

The second circuit uses D0 through D7 to control eight relays. You might modify it to suit your needs.



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