parallel power mosfet, simple pwm driver, current limit, scooter like

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New Member
Hello, the plan is to build a 'simple' speed controller, very close to the electric scooter pwm speed controllers, no full H.

All that is required is current limiting, as not to damage power supply at 120A (stall current of motor is like 350 so will kill the planed nimh). Voltage is 48v so I am thinking of 4 STB55NF06 60V 50A fets, very fast and over shooting the 48v and 120A with 60V and 200A current.

pwm generator 20-30khz with pot I understand, but for the fet drivers that can run 4 STB55NF06 and current limiting I'm lost.

Do you use smaller high speed fets to drive the gates of the 4 big fets, I've read that this can affect turn on time and make excess heat, may be for just the older slower fets?

Is the current limiting part of the pwm and pot side, effectively turning down the pot? dose this not just limit the voltage and let near full current flow?

Any diagrams of scooter controllers that I can scale up or cannibalize I have ltspice, and teaching me will be very appreciated!
Thanks Tom.
The easiest way is to use a pwm contoller chip that has good drivers and current limit built in.
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