Part P certification...

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Hi! I want to install a sub-consumer unit and two small ring mains in my garage.
I realise this will need part p certification
Can I wire up the ring mains, sockets, switches, sub unit etc (but not connect it to the main consumer unit) and then get a local sparky to do the final step and give it the certification?

If so, what would be a reasonable price for this?


I doubt a spark would want to certify someone else's work.

You could apply to your council and do it yourself as long as you are *competent* and can prove this. I believe they have to check at all stages and would possibly cost more than getting a spark.

BTW a spark does not have to specifically be NICEIC registered there are other schemes too so don't limit your options if calling someone.

PartP = stealth tax
How much work has to be done?

If it's lots then consider becoming part P certified yourself.

You'll need to do a course on the 17th edition wiring regulations, then do the part P course. Unfortunately I don't know how much this will all cost, it's probably cheaper to get the work done by a qualified person.

I think you'll find you have to do a course to become a qualified electrician first? - so you're talking years and LOT'S of dosh.
The only work the electrician would be to check my wiring and then connect the sub unit to the main unit.
I assume they'd have to do similar for an apprentice.
But whats a reasonable price for this I wonder
I think you'll find you have to do a course to become a qualified electrician first? - so you're talking years and LOT'S of dosh.

My local college's entry requirements for the part P is, that you have to have done a course on the 17th edition, which is fairly straightforward and only lasts for four days.

I don't know what the entry requirements are for the 17th edition course though.
Part P certification

We are Part P certified Electrical Contractors and would not certify work we have not completed ourselves. If there is even the tiniest error in another person's work, the fall back does come to us as the certifying contractors.
My suggestion would be to bite the bullet and have the whole works undertaken by a Part P certified engineer, it does give you peace of mind but also conforms to government legistlation, essential if you are thinking of selling your property in the future.
We charge from £150 for the works described although would need to give a thorough assessment prior to a more accurate quote.
Best of luck
Ian Case
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