On this car, this problem is only between the passenger module and the passenger switch.
The OP said:-
the front passenger electric window isn’t working correctly.
Operating the window from the driver’s side it moves up and down, no problem so the issue is not the motor.
However, using the passenger side switch the window will go down but not back up.
So the CANbus connection between the driver and passenger door modules is fine, as it is carrying the signal to go up and down.
The power to the module is fine, as is the motor.
It is just the passenger side switch talking to the passenger side window module.
Now in this case, up and down are carried on the same wires, T4am/4 and T4am/1, using a resistor ladder, so the wiring must be OK. T4am/2 is only illumination so that is a separate issue if that doesn't work.
So either the switch pack is producing the wrong resistances, or the module is interpreting them incorrectly. Given the cost of a new switch pack, (well a cheap copy) then the best solution is to try a new switch pack. If that doesn't work, it's got to be the module.
You could be more methodical and check the resistance of the switch pack in each state, but you would have to find what the resistances are supposed to be. It might be obvious, if more than one position gave the same resistance, but it might not.
It doesn't help to look at all the other stuff that can't possibly be the cause of the original problem.