Passive bandpass filter

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A very simple passive bandpass filter was on the page of many bandpass filters. It is so simple that it has awful spec's.


  • simple bandpass filter.png
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Buy a book on the subject. I have tried using internet articles and the maths gets horrific. You might want to try Googling Fosters reactance theorem and Cauer. these guys were pioneers in passive filter design. You need to get your head around matrix maths too. It is not an easy learning curve, so I wish you well

I've always liked passive filters. There was just something so natural about them that you could not find in active filters, and they dont need a power supply which is very interesting in itself. Imagine getting the response you need with just passive components alone, how cool is that.

There's a lot of different topologies though so you really have to think about what your application really needs; what it can get by with without getting too complicated with too many parts.

I wish i could say more right now, but i'd have to see the application first.
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