PC based Stepper Motor Control

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connect youre stepper to the PCs lpt (printer) port and then get the pins high in a sequance and how fast you change it that fast youre motor will go
electronist said:
I think you will have to program a .DLL file to operate your parallel printer port
Yo would be interested in this site to help you out www.boondog.com

if he's running Windows he will, windows likes to protect the printer port becuase of stability issues involved with it... you have to write some libraries to get around this.

Only if you're running NT based Windows (NT, 2000, XP), the Win95 based ones (95, 98, ME) don't require drivers to access the ports - you can simply 'bit bang' the ports regardless.
Try my Animated stepper controller.

And turn off the lights in the room.


  • stepper1rpm.gif
    45.1 KB · Views: 700

Yes, good point, i often forget people still use win9x.
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