PC JukeBox

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Want to build a sound system using my PC. Need help. Don't know anything about Audio connectors. Need to find a site with Pics of various audio plugs.Also need to build a box with Two of those little sterio plug inputs and 4 output plugs. Also a switch configeration to connect either input with any or all outputs. OK now I'm confused. If this makes sence to anyone. Any help would be appreciated.
You should be able to find ample information using Google or Wikipedia to search for the text "audio connector" there are also plenty of basic schematic examples out there for using switches to change inputs and outputs and using POTS and basic opamps to do pre amplification.
You obvious have not done even a cursory investigation into what you're doing so spend a few days reading and researching on the net and then come back with some ideas of what you really want to do and then maybe we can help.
What happens when both inputs are switched to the same output(s)? Can't be a good thing...

Might start by drawing up a simple block diagram of where your inputs are coming from, and where you intend for them to go.

Right, now it's just another mystery project, that we can only waste time guessing at what you are trying to do.

What I'm guess (expecting to be wrong, of course...) is you want your PC to play music files (probably illegal downloads) through you bad-ass stereo to annoy your neighbors and impress your friends. The switches are because you only want to blast the stereo at the most inoperatune times, and use the regular PC speakers the rest of the time. Maybe you want to listen to the stereo while play video games. The part that confuses me, if your inputs are from the computer, should be just right/left stereo 1/4 inch mini. But there some mega surround sound cards, which would be 5 speakers. So two inputs must refer to the left and right stereo, but why switch just one side to any or all outputs. Maybe you meant each input would hav two possable outputs.

So, was I even close?
Thanks for your time HarveyH42
1. Two inputs seamed obvious. Two computers. 4 outputs? 4 separate sterio systems.
2. Your time would only be wasted if you did not offer your thoughts.
3. I want to play music files downloaded from purchased CD's as I only have dialup. Don't yet have me "bad-ass sterio" I'll get that when I figure out how to hook it up. I live in the woods and my closest neighbor is 4 miles away. So thats not an issue. Basically , I want to send music files from my computer in my shack out to a sterio system out in my shed. Where I drink my beer. Bottom line. I'm tired of burning CD's and playin em on a bad-ass boombox. Your reference to sterio 1/4 inch mini ,helped

Again,Thank You
Allectronics or Electronic Goldmine (maybe it was place else...) had 'Y' splitter cables, from 1/4 stereo to two RCA. Not sure about 'Boomboxes', do they have audio inputs? The switching, guess simplest would be 4 X SPDT, that way you could switch the R/L at the same time, but seems a little pointless, just send the signal out to all four, use the stereo you are listening to switch it in if you want the piped music, or something else (cd, radio, casette, 8-track...).
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