PC + microController project?

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New Member
Hey guys,

im good in dealing with microcontrollers and the ports of a PC and programming with C, assembly or RISC microcontroller programming.

I need an idea of a project to combine the PC with the microcontroller in a way that will lead into a great project that can give me an A as an engineering undergraduate.

help me guys? :cry:
Have a small PIC drive a few large power transistors switching high voltage on the PC's parallel port, making the port heat so much the whole PC bursts into flames.

Then a heat sensor triggers a sprinkler above the PC for just enough time to put out the fire. Then project text on the smoke screen, using multiplexed super bright LED displays, saying something like "Tiny Package, Big Power"



You know what?...

After that stupid post above, I tried to come up with a way to "project" a LED display. I picked up a photographic lens (Nikon 50mm 1.8f) opened up the aperture to the fullest, placed the rear lens element over a lit power supply's green LED. By adjusting the distance between the rear element and the LED, I could get a pretty clear, enlarged green LED on the ceiling and walls.

Now, take the smoke screen idea, but substitute that for a few "water screens", say 3 not too far from each other. Take 3 small color graphic displays place a lens over each one that's controlled by a pair of stepper motors, and you're in for some pretty psychedelic stuff. You can move light around, and probably get a convincing 3D effect by making transitions front-to-back and vice versa

Not sure it's the kind of project you're looking for for a final year engineering project though...

nice idea Joel Rainville

sonaiko if you will ask such questions you will only get such answers and i think thats fair
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