PC prob.

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hi, i have a computer next to me, but it doesn't want to work. I will try to explain the problem as best as i can. i turn it on and it loads normally, untill the "start windows normally" and "safe mode" screen comes up, i click "start windows normally" then it goes to the windows XP loading screen, but then only one bar goes across, and then the computer restarts itself. And that's what it has been doing all day, one time i clicked the "safe mode" option, it came up with all these prompts, and then it restarts. What is going on here
Can you tell that is your computer comes to the desktop?If you can access to the desktop can solve your problem.
nope, it just gets up to the windows loading screen, then it restarts no matter what i press
Go into Safe Mode and let it load the list of drivers - If it Stops during the long list of drivers - COPY down the last line showing before it stops and post it.
as the code is not on this computer, i had to write it down. This is what it says on the last line in safe mode:
do capitals matter?
Oh my god!
If safe mode freezes at mup.sys it is a fair indication that this file has been corrupted.
Sorry about that. But still have a chance to recover by uninstalling some external devices like USB mouse, PCI cards ….
Or can repair windows XP to recover that file or clean windows XP installation is the final solution from me.
so your saying it is just a file corruption, not a faulty hard drive or anything? would this have been from a virus? how do i uninstall anything if i can't even get to the desktop?
things said:
so your saying it is just a file corruption, not a faulty hard drive or anything? would this have been from a virus? how do i uninstall anything if i can't even get to the desktop?

It can be a file corruption due to a VIRUS too.You just remove some PCI cards, USB mouse, & some external devices & turn ON the computer & see.

safe mode freezes at some other files have a chance to rescue the problems by uninstalling the external devices but halting in this mup.sys is a different story.
cannot give a direct solution.
omg! Why format!
just take windows install disk, and use that to recover the computer. chkdist and repair. and BOOM you're done. All files are still there.
Some programs will run under WINE (e.g. LTSPICE) and there are equlavents for most Windows applications (i.e. OpenOffice.org instead of MS Office)
for electronics Linux is BS. really.
Non of the debugging systems work on it. Wine is slow and shitty. There are no drivers for my devices (like programmer, debugger, analyzers etc.

So THINK before you change.
bloody-orc said:
for electronics Linux is BS. really.
Non of the debugging systems work on it. Wine is slow and shitty. There are no drivers for my devices (like programmer, debugger, analyzers etc.

So THINK before you change.

I totally agree! For electronics Linux is BS.I have tried many debugging functions to work with linux but none didn't work well.Even AVR,PICs.....

If I going to work with linux then I will shift from Electronics and do Gardening.
I choose to look at it another way. It's not Linux that's crappy at electronics, it's the software vendors fault for not designing their software to work under Linux.

What do you expect from WINE? It's an emulator (yes I know Wine Is Not an Emulator, in that it doesn't emulate hardware, but it is it emulates the software of a Windows environment) and is also the product of reverse engineering; MS have kept lots of the Windows APIs secret so there is no alternative but to reverse engineer it.

Having said all of that, WINE has come a fair way and it's great that LTSPICE has been designed with it in mind. The only thing I would like is for them to do is to make it open source so others can improve it.
Manly the software is written for Linux, but none of the hardware works. Linux writers especially hate USB. none of my USB equipment worked on Linux. So I say: "Linux is BS".
Linux doesn't have a problem with USB in general, I'm currently typing on a USB keyboad and using a USB mouse and using USB sticks is just as easy as Windows. The only problem I've heard about is that some hardware (whether it be USB or otherwise) isn't Linux compatible.

I don't blame the Linux developers that some hardware won't work under their OS; it isn't fault that the hardware companies won't release drivers for their OS and choose to keep their protocol proprietary any drivers they do produce are a product of reverse engineering.

Also, I've heard that Vista often has a problem with drivers and I know that Windows XP does. I have an old Canon LBP-660 printer that doesn't have an XP driver so I use the Windows 2000 driver which isn't perfect, it tends to not allow switching between user accounts so the first user that uses it loack everyone else out, the onlly solution is to reboot which is a pain in the neck.

I would say that if you want to use Linux, only buy hardware that's compatible with it, you wouldn't install Mac OS X on any PC would you/?

The next PC I get will be a Linux PC and I'll select the printer, scanner and everything else to be Linux compatible so I don't have any problems.

Not to forget though, it was a LONG, LONG, time before USB was supported at all under Linux.
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