PC prob.

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Well, if it's that long ago since bloody-orc used Linux perhaps he should give it another go as Linux is improving all the time!
I like linux its pretty good, I hate windows with a burning passion, and I love OSX. I got them all on my laptop so I can choose which I want to use, though 99% of the time I use OSX
Nigel Goodwin said:
Not to forget though, it was a LONG, LONG, time before USB was supported at all under Linux.
Well... first appeared in kernel 2.4.0 in a more unified/stable sense, but 2.2.# had it

sure windows-98 may of had it before linux (just) but what does that mean? Linux had a 64bit version of its OS years before MS released a 64bit version
Hi my XP Pro system got the mup.sys error just out of the blue today. Here's what I did:
1. Ran XP setup and logged onto my C:\windows
2. EXPANDed the d:\i386\mup.sy_ file to C:\windows\system32\drivers folder

after a failed reboot or two I then followed the advice of whoever wrote about pulling out their mouse lead during safe mode boot.
I was running a Logitech cordless mouse off that system at the time and I did the following to get XP to boot successfully:

1. made sure ACPI, Plug & Play, USB all enabled in BIOS

2. moved mouse from the ps/2 port to the first USB port
3. booted using safe mode
4. waited until it hung at Mup.sys
5. removed the mouse cable from the USB port
6. (3 seconds or so pass, the screen went black and safe mode appeared)
7. restarted system
8. booted normally into XP Pro

job's a goodun', thanks to that poster!

Thanks all


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