PC-to-SCARA robot connector circuit

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Hi.can anyone give me an idea on PC-to-SCARA robot connector circuit. Doesn't care if even its use Parallel port,RS232 or USB
if the microcontroller have a rs232 interface , then a max232 is what you. the micro-pc interfacing with rs232 has been discussed in forum elsewhere
which scara robot? scara is mechanical configuration of robot (parallel axes) while controller can be anything. ones i,ve seen have PC already in them. if one would want to interface another pc to that one, obvious choice is ethernet but other ports commonly found on pcs are available (like rs232)
I'm using Samsung SCARA Robot SM-5. Its true that there are teaching pendant at the robot. But my task is to control the SCARA robot using program that generated with Visual Basic 6.0.So the program that written in VB is then transferred into The SCARA robot either by Parallel Port,RS232 or RJ45. So the configuration of thos connector between PC n SCARA is on my concern.I beg somebody can help me..
as far as i can tell they don't use pc based controller which means your VB application cannot run on robot itself.
communication choice will depend on number of things but most important one is bandwith or speed. if it is limited,
you have to look for alternative comm method. RS232 is dead simple and it is so easy to do in VB. sounds like perfect choice
if the speed is not an issue.

you should start by looking at port specs (how fast can it go, what are the port settings, what is the protocol,
what is pinout, is it standard or something weird, you probably need crossover cable, handshaking is another matter...).
if you can find that out, job is almost done.
i mentioned RS232 because it has many advantages (port is pretty well protected compared to LPT for example, much simpler and cheaper wiring etc.).

since this is inteligent device, it most likely will require crossover cable.
simplest crossover cable is just three wires like this:


  • db9-db9_null_modem.jpg
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but if it requires handshaking, cable will be a bit more complicated, here is one common type that i use every day:


  • 1756-CP3.gif
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these things are standard and you should be able to buy them in any computer store for few dollars. user manual of your robot controller should include port specs including pinouts and recommended cable part number and/or connection diagram.

either of two diagrams i posted before will be useful when developing VB application. you will need to send and receive data through serial port so best way to test it is by using crossover cable (null modem cable), connect two ports on your PC and open some sort of terminal emulator software (like hyper terminal which comes with windows but it's not the best program to start with). I would recommend something simpler such as SuperMon 5.5 from Jay Hughes:

once you made successful connection, you can send data to one port and read it from another.

then you can try sending messages (including commands) to the robot. just unplug one end of the cable and plug it to RS232 port of the robot and make sure to send right combination of bytes as per robot's comm format (should be in programming manual). this is done manually, each command will be assembled byte by byte... important thing is to make it work.

then all you need to do is make VB program do this for you. good luck...
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