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New Member
Need help from you guys..Anyone of you heard about PC/104?It is an embedded computer.If anyone used it before,please recomment me which company manufactured with a reasonable price...

I have found few company which is the Diamond system and Arcom.
Nigel Goodwin said:
I've heard of it, but never seen or used one, I didn't know they were still around?.

ya...now still got a lot of product in the market...too many manufacturer till i dont know which one to choose.
These things were NEVER reasonably priced. They were designed for a price is no object, harsh industrial environment. Most manufacturers produce them in such low volumes that they have to keep the prices high.
PC/104 is an industry 'standard' that defines the form factor and pin out that several manufactures build. They are designed to run DOS and/or windows but for dedicated imbedded type applications. More costly then most microcontroller applications. I have seen them imbedded inside large analytical instrumentation type products and other high end custom equipment that require PC type performance.


The bigger question is what are you planning to do with it? If you don't need the ability to run in harsh environments there are other SBC type devices that would offer the same sort of flexibility at a fraction of the price.

It is more then just the volumn. They are built with better components and avoid money saving shortcuts needed to make other motherboards cost competitive.
actually i doing a project of visual tracking robot in a small factor...i need pc104 to do the data processing for the image...so now i need something which is small like pc104...but with a cheap price..i cant really find a good 1 with low price....the 1 that i saw in the diamond system which is the Hercules II model which cost $1000++, it is all build in...which consist pwm output, 833Mhz processor...and so on...is there any pc104 with pwm output???
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