.pcb file: which program to use?

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Which program is needed to open this .pcb file, preferably a pcb design program?

The first few lines, when opening in a ASCII reader show:

# release: pcb 20140316

# To read pcb files, the pcb version (or the git source date) must be >= the file version

PCB["" 2110.00mil 2710.00mil]


  • ard-dccshield.rar
    10.8 KB · Views: 269
Ok don't bother anymore; geda apparently is some open source project for all but windows users.

If anyone has Geda instelled and could convert the file to a more usable format (Eagle, Kicad,..) I woild be VERY obliged!
Circad does not have a free version?

.pcb is oroginally from Geda, which does require Linux or Ubuntu installations. I spent hours with a Virtualbox setup installing Ubuntu and then trying to get Geda ton install and run, I gave up: too much trouble.
There are dozens of CAD programs that use the .pcb extension, and they are most likely not interchangeable. You really need to use Geda if that's the program that was used to create it.

The version for Windows is still in experimental stages and hasn't been updated since 2011.


I would download the one labeled "gEDA-1.7.1_pcb_20100929_GerbV250.zip".

Good luck.
I'll give it a go for you when I get home. Interesting you mention kicad, it uses pcb for layout. (Maybe not on the win version?)
Interesting. Kicad uses pcbnew, which has a bug in it stopping it from importing .pcb files. I exported everything I could from pcb, couldn't find a way to convert the layout. The netlist is right in the .pcb file to start with and it's an ascii file so that's the main thing. I hope the attached is of some use:


  • ard-dccshield.zip
    512.4 KB · Views: 248
DerStrom8 thank you, I downloaded this file and will try and install it (windows 7), I keep you posted here on the results.

This pcb file indeed was made on geda (confirmed by designer), so I am afraid this solution will be the last resort.
Hi throbscottle, I opened the zip, very interesting how you could obtain all these files! However, opening in either Kicad or Eagle would not succeed. Do you have any suggestion? Meanwhile I will proceed on DerStrom8's idea's and install geda for Windows. I will keep you posted.
You need a Gerber viewer for the Gerber's, though they are what you would normally provide to a fab house, you should be be able to open the ps and eps files with acrobat I think. I couldn't do anything other than open the file with pcb, hope you have more luck! At least you now have the info you need to re-create the layout if it comes to that.
That is just fine, already have the full schematic as well as the pcb with fab files. But if I want to change the pcb layout I will have to go with the DerStrom8 solution. I will try to install this afternoon.
I downloaded the zip file, extract it and tried to follow the instructions per **broken link removed**
It says to un geda-runtime.exe but no such file to be seen.

...pff too late here to bother, tomorrow another try. But the file to be ran is not there.

That's a separate download on the main page:


ok, pcb can be opened, geda works (but this is really a useless piece of software: no libraries, limited user interface,.. ; if this is what people want to go through to avoid windows..). Schematics: if I want to open the .sch file I have to use gschem.exe: that does not work. Worthless software.
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