PCB Layout

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New Member
here is aschematic and its PCB layout.........plz tell me what to put where on PCB layout means which component will go where.....

Thanks**broken link removed**

Clap Switch
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This is the sort of thing you should try to work out yourself. I recommend you download , redraw the schematic, and use the EAGLE PCB layout editor to design the PCB.
Good luck!
Der Strom
The drawing directly below the picture of the PCB in your link shows where each component goes (on the flip side of the board). What more do you need?
No sir it is just to show the components which we are using.........like BC 547 transistor is displayed in right hand top corner but in PCB layout it in right hand bottom corner
No sir it is just to show the components which we are using.........like BC 547 transistor is displayed in right hand top corner but in PCB layout it in right hand bottom corner

This is the image of the PCB, 'flipped' you are now looking thru the PCB at the copper tracks on the other side,,,OK.?


  • ESK22.jpg
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  • ESK-22-1.jpg
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thnx ericgibbs it worked well.....................i have one more prob can u plz tell me that how to print the PCB layout without that skin colour as i know how to make the PCB but for that we have to print the PCB layout on a smoth paper so how to remove the skin colour and make the pcb colour dark black,
Thanking you

I dont use Eagle for pcb's, so another member may advise you what to do about the colours.
Can't you simply set the printer to print in black and white?
thnx but i was thinking that the solution you have suggested will be ok to make a pcb if you know how to make it..............by printingon a smooth paper

**broken link removed**

check it
I don't understand why the paper being smooth has anything to do with the colour.
After selecting concerned layer and dimension, size as 1:1,
you might select "Black"by ticking it.
this makes your print totally B&W instead of tones of colors.
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