PCB Manufacturing Services Company

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New Member
Hi all,
Who is tell me how many international PCB Manufacturing Services Company are in San Jose, USA. what is the best.
I known one company that is Acronics Systems, Inc. Do you known it.
Hi all,
Who is tell me how many international PCB Manufacturing Services Company are in San Jose, USA. what is the best.
I known one company that is Acronics Systems, Inc. Do you known it.

No, I don't know that one. I used to use one in Fla but can't remember their name. I have been using another business and the guy has been pitching my customers and stealing work from me. I need to find a new board house.
Thomas.net can give you manufacturers by location. Here is one search.

Google will give others. With either search, you will find manufacturers in San Jose. As for your specific question "how many", I don't know any way of doing that. The Secretary of State in California might have a list of registered companies, but even that may fail to turn up a company doing business in San Jose, but registered elsewhere. The San Jose Chamber of Commerce may also be able to help.

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